lundi 29 juillet 2013

Express your love

Voltou pra máquina!

De retour à la machine!

Back to the machine!

samedi 27 juillet 2013

Essa semana foi bem melhor! Com o curso da Craftsy tomei coragem e montei o tapete do Sebastian! Não ficou perfeito, mas eu acho que para um primeiro projeto cheio de curvas ficou muito bom. Ainda não dominei a técnica do appliqué, foi o que ficou pior, mas vou treinando. O Express your love ainda tá enroladinho esperando a inspiração baixar. O ponto alto da semana foi a instalação de uma lâmpada fluorescente enorme no teto do meu quartinho, agora posso trabalhar à noite!!!! 

Avec le cours de Craftsy j'ai pu mettre ensemble le tapis de jeux de Sebastian. Ce n'est pas parfait mais pour un premier projet avec autant des cercles c'est réussi. Je dois faire beaucoup d'appliqués encore, c'est de loin la technique la plus dificile pour moi. Express Your Love attends encore un peu d'inspiration. Le meilleur de la semaine c'était l'instalation des lampes au plafond dans mon bureau, maintenant je peux travailler le soir!

This week was much better. The Craftsy course helped me to put togheter the top for Sebastian's playmat. It is not perfect, but it is very good for a first project with so many curves into it. Appliqué is by far what gives more headaches, I still need to practice a lot. Express Your Love is still waiting for my inspiration to come back. The best of the week was the instalation of a huge lamp in the ceiling of my office, now I can finally work at night.

Free Motion Quilting Friday

samedi 20 juillet 2013

Essa semana não foi produtiva. Dores musculares, crise de alergia e lá se foi a inspiração. Tentei dar uma organizada no meu quartinho, ele realmente precisa de um pouco mais de ordem. Achei online um jeito legal de organizar meus tecidos de um jeito que fica mais fácil descobrir o que eu tenho.

O Express Your Love está paradão, decidi não jogar por umas duas semanas e não fazer quilt também, até me sentir 100%. Acho que minha posição na máquina não estava boa e não melhorou o que já não estava indo muito bem... Hora de revisão da ergonomia pra costura (em inglês).

Meus objetivos pra semana que vem:
  1.  assistir as aulas sobre costura e círculos da Crafsy na qual me inscrevi, para aprender o suficiente pra montar o tapete de jogo do Sebastian.
  2. escolher "o" design para os sopros da deusa do Express Your Love, se eu estiver 100 relaxada e sem dor me aventuro a continuar a costura;
  3. continuar a organizar meu quartinho!
Tomara que essa semana seja melhor!

Cette semaine n'a pas été productive. J'ai eu des douleurs musculaires, une crise d'allergie et ma inspiration et partie. J'ai essayé de mettre de l'ordre dans mon espace, c'est vraiment nécessaire. J'ai commencé par ranger mes tissus mais il y a encore beaucoup à faire.

Express Your Love est en arrêt. J'ai me repose et attends d'être en forme pour faire du quilt ou aller jouer. Je pense qui la position dans laquelle j'étais en trains de travailler n'était pas la bonne, il a fallu relire se site.

Mes objectives pour la semaine prochaine:
  1. Suivre un cours sur Craftsy, je dois apprendre le nécessaire pour commencer le tapis de jeux de Sebastian;
  2. essayer de trouver un design pour les prochains endroits à travailler sur Express Your Love;
  3. continuer la réorganisation de mon espace.
J'espère avoir une meilleure semaine!

This week was not productive. I had muscular pain and allergy crisis, I think my inspiration was gone. I tried to organize my space, starting with my mini fabric stash, but there is much more to be done.

Express Your Love is still rolled in a corner. I'm not playing golf or quilting until I get 100% pain free. My position on the machine was probably not right, time to read this again.

My objectives for next week are:
  1. Follow a class at Craftsy to learn what I need to be able to piece Sebastian playing mat;
  2. Try to design someting for EYL breath spaces that still need to be quilted;
  3. Continue the reorganisation of my space.
I hope next week will be better!

Playmat fabric

Free Motion Quilting Friday

vendredi 12 juillet 2013

Express Your Love

Contando um pouco da minha aventura com o Express your Love. Vou escrever em inglês, se alguém quiser uma versão em português comenta que eu traduzo.

Je raconte mon aventure avec Express your Love, je vais écrire en Anglais, si quelqu'un veut une traduction il suffit de demander dans les commentaires.

This is my first try at free motion quilting and I'm really enjoying doing it. I do not regreat my decision to learn on-the-go, mistakes have happened but I made a deal with myself before starting it that I would just embrace these mistakes and they would be there in the future to remember me of my progress.

Express your love

I have learned quite a few things:
  1.  First of all, as in golf, doubt is disastrous! If I'm not really sure where I am going it is better to stop. Easier said than done... The majority of my bad mistakes were caused by not being so sure of what I would do and attempting to do it anyway.
  2. I have noticed that the position of the foot pedal  makes a huge difference for me, if it is too close to my body it is very difficult to find a comfortable speed to quilt.
  3. I like building up thread, but I have to watch out not to get to the thread breaking point too fast.
  4. Curves are hard. I really have to mark them well to be able to know where to go otherwise I am back to point #1
The sun rays were done quite fast (for me), the mussels design is not perfect but I really liked the texture it produced. I also loved the Foundation Puzzle, it was so good to do it, it is relaxing.

I had trouble chosing a design for the sun. After two days of search I decided to try to sketch something and the result pleased me. I draw carefully and clearly with chalk and went for it. This is my favourite part of this quilt so far.

Express your love

Some more time was necessary to chose what to do with the breath spaces. I draw them in paper and sketched in real size to try to find a desing I liked.

I really had trouble with the tip of the smaller breath space. It did not match my sketch and this I think is because my marks were to light and I did not manage to stitch on top of them properly :-(  My pencil produces a line to bold I guess, so I tried a new method and the results were better on the lower part of it.

Express your love  Express your love

I have finished the second breath space but now I need a break from this quilt, next week I will probably only try to draw something for the other breath spaces. I also have to decide the hair color, my original plan was black, but I'm not very sure about this choice, a green that matches the background might look better, I will decide this later...

This is how she is looking so far:

Express your love

Linking with Leah's at the Free Motion Quilting Projetct.