samedi 3 août 2013

Essa semana finalmente terminei o sopro do Express your Love, estou gostando do resultado até agora, essa semana vou ver se consigo fazer o corpo da deusa, os cabelos vão ficar para setembro, quando vou poder ir buscar a nova linha (ainda não escolhi a cor, provavelmente marron). Também avancei no tapete do Sebastian, esse eu quero ver se termino essa semana. Será que vai dar?

Cette semaine j'ai avancé sur Express Your Love, le résultat me plaît jusqu'ici, la semaine prochaine j'essaierais de finir le corps de la déesse, la chevelure restera inachevé jusqu'à Septembre, quand je vais pouvoir acheter la bonne couleur de fils, probablement brun. Le tapis de jeux de Sebastian est aussi en bonne route, j'espére pouvoir le finir cette semaine.

This week the breath spaces of Express Your Love were finished. I like the result of this quilt so far, next week I will try to finish her body, the hair will have to wait until September when I will be able to get new color of thread for it, probably some shade of brown. Sebastian's playmat is going well, this week I will try to quilt it completely.

Express Your Love:


Linking to the The free motion quilting project!
Free Motion Quilting Friday